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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

HELPFUL HINT #2: If you're able, have two

HELPFUL HINT #2: If you're able, have two separate computers: one for work, and one for leisure. One of the most difficult challenges in running a virtual corporation is setting boundaries between work and personal time; more often than not, beginners blend everything together and end up feeling like every waking moment is spent working. Having separate computers helps you distinguish work from leisure in your mind, and allows you to maintain your professional side while still finding time to unwind. Do not install instant messenger programs, chat room applets or computer games on your workstation computer; save those for private time.

Personal responsibility: For everything that goes right-or wrong-in your virtual corporation, you will be the one solely responsible for it. Those who work from home must keep in mind that when problems come up, they are responsible for solving them in the most professional manner possible. On the flip side, however, you get to take every scrap of credit for jobs well done. The pride and satisfaction you can take in running a virtual corporation is unmatched.

QUIZ: Are You VC Material?

Take this self-test to help you determine where your strengths lie, and which areas you need to work on in preparing yourself to run a virtual corporation. Remember to be honest with your answers! Once you find out what you need to work on, you can take steps to instill the work habits you need to succeed in the virtual world.

Answer each question with Yes, No, or Maybe. Skip any questions that do not apply to you and your situation.

* Do you love your current job? And if so, do you plan to start your virtual corporation in the same area you currently work in?
* If you could only work in one industry for the rest of your life, would you choose the one you're planning to start your corporation in?
* Are you able to talk fluently about what you do (or are planning to do) for hours on end? Can you do it without boring the person you're talking to?
* Can you picture yourself enjoying your job while you run your virtual corporation-maybe even for the first time in your life?

* Do you generally follow through on your ideas for hobbies or projects you'd like to accomplish?
* Are you usually able to finish things like housework, tasks at the office and school projects with your children, even when you don't feel like doing them?
* Is the reason you want to run a virtual corporation important to you? How about to your family?
* Do you want what you hope to gain by working for yourself enough to stick with it through days you end up working twelve or fourteen hours straight?

* Are you able to reply with a guilt-free "no" when asked to perform a favor or task you know you won't be able to get to in a reasonable amount of time?
* Do people generally consider you stubborn? Do you refuse to let go of the idea of having something you want (within reason) until you get it?
* Are you likely to (or have you ever) haggle with a seller at a flea market or garage sale on the price of an item you want if you consider it unreasonably high?
* Remember the old Klondike Bar commercials, where ordinary people were asked to do crazy things in exchange for a chocolate-covered ice cream bar? Imagine the prize is your successful corporation. What would you do for your Klondike Bar-is it more than what you'd do to get anything else?


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