When writing your web copy, keep it professional
When writing your web copy, keep it professional yet conversational. Most newspaper and magazine articles are written using approximately a sixth-grade reading vocabulary level. You should aim for the same comprehension level-not because your visitors are morons, but because the faster they can understand what you're trying to say, the more pleased and likely to place an order they will be. Also, don't intentionally "dumb down" your web copy or include a lot of "sales talk." No one enjoys reading: "This amazing, incredible product will change your life forever in just one night!" They will likely be thinking, sure it will. Let your product or service speak for itself, or include testimonials from past customers on the quality of your offerings. Sales hype can rapidly undermine your professional image. Web copy should mirror the way you talk.
Keep your sentences and paragraphs short on your web site. Long blocks of text are not only difficult to read, they tend to cause a rapid loss in interest. Again, your visitors want to be able to find what they're looking for fast. Bullets and numbered lists are good ways to break up chunks of information into digestible formats. If you have information that must be conveyed in a longer format, consider offering it as a PDF download or on a separate page-never place meandering blocks of text on your home page.
One way to make visitors feel connected to your company is by using the word "you" in your web copy. For example, instead of writing: "Flowers Forever provides its customers with memorable, high quality floral arrangements for any occasion," have it read: "Flowers Forever provides you with memorable, high quality floral arrangements for your special occasion." Talking directly to the customer gives each visitor an individual experience and makes them feel valued.
HELPFUL HINT: Are you hopeless at writing? Do your designs resemble disaster scenes? If you feel you cannot create professional-looking web pages and clear, effective web copy, don't be afraid to hire a freelancer to do it for you. Writing and graphic design are the two largest industries that use freelancers, and there are hundreds of thousands of people who make a living through contracted writing and design services. Your virtual corporation is worth the one-time cost of hiring a freelancer to do the job right the first time.
What the Heck is a Blog, And Why Should I Get One?
Blogs have enjoyed an explosion in popularity in the internet community. Short for web log, a blog is an online journal set in an archived format that allows for frequent updates. People use blogs for a variety of reasons, both business and personal. The popularity of blogs is so widespread that a new term has been coined to describe the massive collection of blogs existing online: the blogosphere.
There are a variety of good reasons to host a blog for your company. One is fresh content. By adding a new blog entry daily, or even weekly, you are constantly bringing new content to your site, which helps increase your search engine rankings. Another is to showcase your experience. You can create blog entries about projects you've done for clients, or share stories sent in by customers who have purchased your products. Furthermore, a blog provides another way to keep visitors interested by offering them information or entertainment-and keep them coming back for more.
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