Where to Get Them? go to www.Automatic-Responder.com Aside
Where to Get Them? go to www.Automatic-Responder.com
Aside from the built-in autoresponders that come with many list management services and web site packages, there are companies specializing in autoresponder technology. Autoresponder services range in price, and are generally either free or billed monthly. Free autoresponders often include banner ads, but you can find a company that will use small, unobtrusive ads relating to your product or service. Paid autoresponders generally offer far more features and unlimited numbers of preset, timed messages.
If you plan to rely heavily on autoresponders to run your business, you should consider investing in a paid autoresponder service. The time you save when your company practically runs itself will be worth every penny.
A good autoresponder turns your computer into a full-time employee!
The Great Divide: Conquering Isolation in a Virtual Environment
Hey, it's lonely at the top - or at least in a virtual office. You will have little or no physical, or even vocal, contact with any of your clients or employees. You'll have to deal with being alone all day, every day. One of the top reasons home businesses fail is the lack of interaction and subsequent loneliness of working by yourself for long stretches.
It is important to combat isolation in a virtual office setting. People who work from home tend to put more time into their business than those who are traditionally employed, and they often don't think about the need for social interaction. There are several methods you can use to beat the lonely-number blues and make sure you don't lose touch with your industry.
* Join the club. There are thousands of online communities that focus on every subject imaginable. You can find one relating to your business and open up a dialogue with like-minded individuals, build a network of important contacts, and make a few e-buddies whose regular contact will help you remember that you're not alone. If you can't find a group that suits your needs, start one. Most internet groups and forums provide easy tools to help you get the word out about a new group and find members. You might also look for real live community groups to join. Even if they don't relate to your business, joining a group or organization you enjoy gives you a chance to escape your desk once in a while and rejoin the human race. Consider a local reading group, Toastmasters club, or even a writing group-you might learn how to write better web copy! Again, if you can't find what you're looking for in a face-to-face group or club, start one. Your local library is a great place to organize meetings, and most will let you do so for free.
* Shop 'til you drop. Though it's more convenient as a virtual business owner to buy your supplies online, every so often you should go out and shop in person. This will allow you to reconnect, as well as let you compare store prices with online prices so you know where to find the best deals.
* Invest in you. Join a regular fitness and exercise group, a gym, or a weight loss club to make new friends and stay in shape at the same time. With all the hours you'll spend sitting in front of your computer, you will need some physical activity to balance your health and well-being. You'll also get a much-needed respite from work.
* Get educated. Taking a few learning classes at your local community college or other adult education center near you is not only good for your business acumen, it also gets you out of the house. If you would rather not spend even more time immersed in your industry, you can take classes to learn something you've always wanted to know, such as a foreign language or gourmet baking. If you don't have the time to attend a class, consider taking on online course. You will still be interacting with the teacher and fellow students, and you'll learn something new without ever leaving your house.
* Pleased to (virtually) meet you. If you have distance employees, arrange for regular teleconferences (multi-line telephone conversations) to discuss the company and stay connected. It's nice to be able to attach a voice to all those impersonal e-mail communications, and holding teleconferences will help your employees feel more connected to you and your company.
* Gimme a break. People who run successful virtual corporations are some of the hardest-working people around. It's easy to convince yourself that you need to put in long hours in order to be successful-and just as easy to forget that you are a human being with certain needs, including food and rest. Give yourself regularly scheduled lunch breaks each day. That doesn't mean grabbing a sandwich and wolfing it down in front of the computer while you keep working, either. Get up, leave your home office or office area, and stay away for at least half an hour while you grab something to eat, call a friend and talk, or catch up on your pleasure reading. You will come back to work feeling refreshed and ready to accomplish more. If you work evenings as well, make sure you take a dinner break too-especially if you have children at home. After all, they are probably one of the reasons you decided to work from home in the first place. Don't forget to take advantage of the time you're afforded by working from home!
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